Published on December 9, 2003 By baxtercougars In Pure Technology
So Saturday I tell erin that we should go to the Denver game in Memphis. She's all like I am not driving to Memphis blah blah blah. Yeah so it turns out I win and we're going to Memphis January 25th. Then tonight comes...Erin and her wonderful ideas lets go to the movies to see honey. She talks Brea into letting me driver her to the movies. I'm not big on driving other peoples cars because they're not Betsie and I view that as cheating on my car. On the D/L I'm in luv with Brea's horn. So after we...after I PARK THE CAR...we put in park I definitely had an Erin(blonde) moment and the key gets stuck. Now keep in mind that I've only been driving a Jeep Wrangler since I was 16 and Jeep Wranglers and Dodge Spirits are two extremely different types of cars. Especially when it comes to the gears are shown. Now in Betsie when you put her in park a little red dot comes up right next to the P. Where as in Brea's car this doesn't happen and it clearly isn't what I'm use to. I don't care what Erin says if she was driving we'd still be at the Waterfront probably stalled out. Miss "at least I know what park is". Well so do I...its just not the set up that I'm use to. Have I mentioned that finals are starting and i have a billion other things on my mind and I am sleep deprived? Tonights event was definitely one for the record books though and totally an Erin and Ashley moment when neither one of us had a clue. It was great.

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